About Us


This website offers a simple and easy-to-use restaurants locator. After you’ve selected a particular restaurant (such as KFC or Subway) from the posts, you’ll be presented with maps that will show you exactly where are the fast food restaurants near to you are located.

This site is useful not only because it shows maps of nearby fast food restaurants, although this is the main reason, but also because it’s updated regularly with more information about fast food restaurants in the US, to make it easier for you to locate a location in your area.

Furthermore, in addition to fast food restaurants open near me, we strive to share general information about all the major fast food restaurants companies, including the most relevant information, like how to find restaurants near me now, and other things from that nature.

In the United States, there are variety of fast food restaurants, some offers full service while others only provide limited services. You may need to visit their websites to ascertain the menu they offer their customers.


The website is not associated with any fast food restaurants and cannot guarantee that you will find a restaurant near you. With that said, we are doing our best to provide useful information and obviously, directions to the nearest restaurants.